Saturday, September 16, 2006

So so disturbing!!

I just read this article and I am so so disturbed:

A 21 year old mother of a one week old baby was stabbed and her throat slashed and her baby was stolen by a stranger who came to the door asking to use her phone. Evidently there was a sign in the yard celebrating the child's birth. What a crazy, terrifying, completely insane situation.

In other really scary news, I am sure everyone has already heard this, but, if you have fresh spinach in your fridge, throw it away!

This is an E-coli-157 outbreak - very dangerous, and can cause kidney failure. You cannot destroy the E-coli by washing the spinach - probably because it is actually in the leaves of spinach. This happened in Japan while we were living there with bean sprouts - the sprouts sucked up the contaminated water, so, the sprouts themselves actually became contaminated with the e-coli, as opposed to the e-coli just sitting on the vegetable. Bottom line - NO SPINACH FOR YOU!! Throw it away!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, I had not heard about that mother/baby thing...I can't read the article, it would give me nightmares.
The spinach thing freaks me out and is just not fair - I finally got the family eating salads with that super easy to use salad-in-a-bag and now I'm afraid to buy those anymore!

Saturday, September 16, 2006 5:22:00 PM  

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