Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Bahamas Misses Me

I got an email today...from the Bahamian Minister of Tourism.

I believe I recieved this email because when Husband and I went to the Bahamas two years ago with our friends M&R, they asked us for our email address on our immigration form.

Anyway, the email says something like, (I'm paraphrasing, but, it's mostly right),

Dear American Friends,

Please know that when you travel again to the Bahamas after January 1, 2007, a US Passport will be required. Please apply for a passport so you can visit the beauty of the Bahamas again soon.

The Bahamian Minster of Tourism

I feel very very special and I am sure that the Bahamian Minister of Tourism sent this email to me, personally, and that it was not a mass email sent to every person who has landed in the Bahamas in the last three years....(NOT.)

Anyway, this email made me weirdly, freakishly sad.

And I think the reason for my sadness is: there is no way we will be able to afford to go to the Caribbean or the Bahamas this year (and even if we wanted to, there is no way we would have Lana's US Passport in time). And we ALWAYS go to the Caribbean or the Bahamas in the spring.

It's a stupid thing to whine about, especially since we will have the opportunity to experience a whole new culture for three whole weeks, and Vietnam will be an amazing adventure.
But, it's not, you know, being pampered by the Bahamian Minister of Tourism (well, you know, not the minister PERSONALLY, but, his minions of Bahamian pampering folks)...I'm going to be depressed come the last week of March, is what I'm saying...this concludes my whine for the moment.

Speaking of being pampered, I had an amazing morning at the Spa today. My father and step-mom had given me a spa day for Christmas last year, and I forgot to use it. It was going to expire after Christmas, so, when I called last week, they fit me in for a morning of spa treatments today. I had an amazing massage (this was only my second massage ever, the first having been a gift from my Girlfriend H~ when I was her bridesmaid last summer), and then a soothing facial, and then a cleansing, detoxifying body wrap followed by a "vichy shower".

The vichy shower sounds kind of either dirty or kinky to me (in my own little twisted mind), but, it was actually really amazing. You lay on a table and these jets spray your back and neck at five key points (chakra points?). Anyway, it felt amazing. Then I had a green tea and mint body scrub, and I got my hair done. I feel like a princess.

That's all for now,


Blogger maxhelcal said...

You ARE a princess!!! I have always wanted to try a massage but I am scared! I feel awkward in the salon even getting my hair dyed back to it's natural color every 6-7 weeks! (I have so much grey!) I bet I would love a massage if I had the guts! Good for you! Don't worry about the Bahamas! You will have many more vacations WITH you new daughter! Many more wonderful times to come Gretchen!


Saturday, December 23, 2006 7:45:00 PM  

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