Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stick your heart inside of my chest, Keep it warm here while we rest*

This morning as Gabe, Lana and I got in the car, I put Tegan & Sara's So Jealous album in the CD player.

As soon as Lana heard the beginning of the first song she said, "Mommy! Play the sticky hands song!"

"Sticky hands song?" I asked, confused.

Lana started to sing, "Sticky hands inside of my pockets, keep them warm while I'm outside".

I thought for a second and realized she was singing the chorus to another song on the album (I know I know I know), which goes

"Stick your hands inside of my pockets, Keep them warm while I'm still here."

At any rate, that was my giggle for this morning. I wonder if I should send the sticky hands song lyric to this guy, who writes whole books about misunderstood song lyrics?

Anyway, here's a link to a Youtube video of Lana's favorite sticky hands song. (I didn't make the video, am not associated with Youtube - I did choose this particular video though, because whoever made it took the song and put it over clips from Veronica Mars, which is kind of a bonus. But, again, neither the song, nor the video, nor Youtube - not mine.)


Lana and Gabe both got a lesson in playing percussion instruments last night. Our friends H&L, who have been patiently, patiently waiting for their daughter's referral from China, hung out with Gabe and Lana while Husband and I went out to dinner for my birthday. L, who has the heart of musician even whilst practicing law as a day job, let the kids play his drums. They had a great time! (Photos courtesy of H~, who takes great pictures of children.)

*post title (obviously) from Tegan&Sara, I know I know I know


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite misunderstood song lyric that I saw on some website once was the person who thought the words were, "The girl with colitis goes by". I'm not even going to try to spell the right words, because I'm sure I'd mangle ?kalaedoscope? (see!) and I'm too lazy to go get the dictionary or look it up online.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 2:59:00 PM  
Blogger mam said...

My favorite is Jimi Hendrix: "Excuse me while I kiss this guy."

So, how was the purse: a purse? Or not a purse?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your kids are so cute. Lana's lyrics made me laugh!

Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:04:00 PM  

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