Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fat Tuesday

Well, it’s Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday, whichever you prefer. A day that, in my neck of the woods, involves the consumption of fat, fruit filled Polish donuts called Packzis (pronounced Punch-key), followed by a pancake dinner at the church of your preference, or, an excuse to attend bar parties with cheap plastic beads. (I mean, really. Why even bother? You are NOT going to create an authentic New Orleans Mardi Gras experience at a smelly bar in NW Ohio with cheap plastic beads and colorful drinks in hurricane glasses (I'm not even sure if they are able to create an authentic New Orleans Mardi Gras experience in NEW ORLEANS right now, but, bless them for trying to put their lives back to normal and all that.) I have never attended one of those bar parties, even when I was single, because I think it would just make me…sad….oh bother, I’ve probably ticked off readers who love mardi gras parties at bars in NW Ohio).

Anyway, I am passing on the packzis today, because they really are incredibly high in calories, and I’m not that big a fan of them anyway. Give me a sprinkle covered regular donut anyday. I will be attending the pancake dinner at our church this evening, especially because my sister is in charge and my nieces are flipping the pancakes. Family loyalty (and a love of pancakes) and all that jazz.

I was going to try to find (and publish here) the letter that I sent Husband (who was, at that time, Boyfriend) from my experience at Carnivale in Nice in 1993. (That being the only authentic Mardi Gras event in my life), but, I couldn’t find the letter this morning, so, that’s not happening. (If I find the letter later today, I may post it, if it is worth reading.)

Anyway, on this Fat Tuesday, I have come to the conclusion that it is time for Lawmommy to stop being fat. Time to get back on the Elliptical trainer and back on the WW wagon. I lost 10 lbs in Vietnam, but, I have gained 5 back in the four weeks since we got home, and I need to slam on the brakes on that train and reverse and start losing again.

My goal is to lose 45 pounds. I figure this will take 10 months. And, now that I don’t have an adoption to obsess about, I should be able to obsess about the WW plan without too much trouble. I just need to tell myself that I want this as badly as I wanted my adoption to happen. So wish me luck.



Blogger Danielle said...

So proud of you. I will be there with you in May. I have some good WW recipes. Miss you, D

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 4:32:00 PM  

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