Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Poodle Poo on My Shoe

Apparently a very tiny poodle, or some other very small dog, has taken up residence outside the courthouse.

Because there is very tiny dog poo on my shoe.

And even though the poo is v. small, the smell is v. impressive.

I actually thought, at the time, that I had stepped on a twisted discarded cigarette butt.

How sad for my shoe.

I had an interview with my adoption homestudy social worker this morning and we have our final meeting tomorrow. Thereafter she will write her homestudy and submit it to my adoption agency.

I made the mistake of looking at the waiting child photolisting again.

Bad mistake.

There is a little girl in China who needs a corneal transplant on both eyes, but is otherwise on target in all areas except vision.

This child is a younger child than we really want. (She is not yet two years old. She won't be two until June.)

This child needs a very serious operation. (Granted, 90% of corneal transplants are successful, but, pediatric corneal transplants are not extremely common.)

If this child does not get this transplant, the likelihood is good that she will be blind.

I wonder if my insurance company would consider this a pre-existing condition and therefore disallow coverage?


My social worker suggested that I NOT look at this child's file. At least not yet. Not until she submits our homestudy.

My mother concurs.

In postive news, I did work out again last night, so, I am two for two on the promise to exercise front. Also, from my shopping trip I found two fabulous new sundresses to take on the Jamaica trip. I think I am going to start packing tonight. :-)

Law Mommy


Blogger Space Mom said...

Sorry about the doggy doo.

Sigh, it is hard tow ait for your child, is it not?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, but at first I thought the doo was IN your shoe, so I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why you took your shoes off outside the courthouse.

I get it now.

Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:07:00 AM  

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