I arrived at work yesterday morning with five healthy lunches. (We are fortunate in that we have a nice kitchen in our office so I could do this every week. It's just that in the past I have been bad about remembering to bring healthy lunches.)
I gained a lot of weight after my surgery in May. I have since lost a little bit. I don't even want to tell you the number on the scale back in July after 6 weeks of
bed rest. It made me cry. Hard.
Actually, I don't want to tell you what the number was on the scale yesterday, because it still makes me upset. What I do want to tell you is that I have a goal of losing 1 pound per week this year. If I accomplish it, I will back down to the number I was at when Husband and I got married. Which would make me a size 10 or 12. (I have no delusions that I will ever be a size 6 again, but I would like to fit into the Hello Kitty
jammies my daughter gave me for Christmas.)
I have recently looked at wedding pictures. I think that was a good weight/size for me. (I was thinner a year later, when Husband and I had been living in Japan for a year and I walked several miles every day to get to and from work. But I don't think that weight is a reasonable goal for me right now.)
At any rate, my goal is lose a pound a week this year. Healthy lunches, lots of water, and exercising again. (I started last night, back on my treadmill, with the company of Don Draper and the rest of the Mad Men. I think Mad Men will keep me coming back to the treadmill for a while. After I burn through the rest of Mad Men, well, Husband gave me Season 1 of the X-Files for Christmas (or X-mas!) so that should work as my treadmill companion as well. I'll keep you informed. Cheer me on, okay?
My niece got a dog for her birthday on Sunday. It's an adorable little French Bulldog and Beagle mix, very cute. (I find this whole scenario peculiar because, of all my siblings, my youngest sister, the mother of the child who received the dog, has never liked dogs.)
My sister is lamenting that the dog doesn't like to sleep in her crate.
I am confused by this and I am wondering if I am the only one.
We had two dogs growing up, one a beagle/basset hound who lived until I was 11, and then what was, apparently, the bastard love child of a small shepherd mutt and a coyote. (We did know he was part coyote until we took him a new vet, when he was about a year old, and the vet said, "Who the hell sold you a coyote???" Upon further examination, the vet decided he was only half coyote. Probably.)
He was a good watch dog. Kind of terrifying to the mail man, though.
Anyway, neither of my dogs had a crate. The dogs slept with me, either under my bed or at the foot of it, actually on the bed. When I left for college, the half-coyote took to sleeping in my brothers' bedroom. (I guess we were not a typical family, though. I mean, what with the wild pack animal for a pet and all.)
I will accept that my family had unusual pet rearing techniques, but I do recall that many of my friends had dogs, and I don't remember those dogs sleeping in crates, either. I don't know that they actually slept with their owners, but I remember dog beds, and I remember dogs roaming freely through my friends houses when we got home from school.
We don't have a dog now, being cat people by chance and circumstance. (After college, I adopted a cat, because my apartment complex in Tucson didn't allow me to have a dog. That cat is still with me (barely hanging on) and his companion, the small auxiliary cat, is our other pet. They sleep wherever they want to sleep, with the exception of Lana's bedroom. (She has a strict 'no cats sleep in here' policy that drives the small auxiliary cat to distraction, attempting to sleep in her room in stealth.))
So...back to this crate concept? Is it new? Or have I just encountered bizarre dog rearing techniques in my life and the idea that the dog should sleep in a crate is entirely typical?
I'm truly curious.
Doggie (Who Let the Dogs Out) is interesting in that a legal battle ensued over who actually wrote the song, and I believe (I could be wrong) that the actual rights to the song are now owned by a Canadian ad agency. The song was made popular in the US by the
Baha Men, although they were doing a cover of a song recorded by a Caribbean singer named
Anslem Douglas. Frankly, I think the Caribbean version (difficult to find) is superior to the
Baha Men version.